Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Making a Start

Most people have two grandmothers, four great-grandmothers, and eight great-great-grandmothers. I have eight great-great-grandmothers and I wanted some way to get to know more about them and as a consequence know more about myself.
I'm not much of a writer but I am a quiltmaker. Instead of collecting information and then writing a family history, I thought I would do my research and make a quilt for each of these women that would reflect their lives and the social context they lived in. I would imagine that they were all quiltmakers too and I would 'recreate' their quilts.
I actually thought about this project about two years ago and very little has happened. I hope that blogging may help give me a push.

One of my g-g-grandmothers did make a quilt, more about that later.

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